Together, It's Possible

Let your
home work for you

You a own a free and clear property valued at $1,000,000.
With the help of Living Equity you take a $500,000 loan against the equity in your property.
You then loan the $500,000 to Living Equity.
In exchange, Living Equity pays you $2,000 per month in addition to paying your loan's monthly payments in full.
Every month
with a $1,000,000 property you can


Living Equity monthly payments are insured and/or backed by cash reserves.


$0 Due

Living Equity takes on the responsibility to pay the loan's monthly payments.

Monthly Income
No Payments
Insured & Secured
Maintain Ownership
Simple Process
Quick Approval


After 12 months, your equity is returned intact!


We invest your unlocked equity in a rental property.


Rental property generates revenue every month.


We use the the revenue generated to pay you, monthly payments.

Your property
stays yours

You remain the owner with no changes on the title, and no restrictions on how you get to use your property. You can use it as your primary residence or even rent it to earn additional income.

Living Equity is not an owner and has no rights of occupancy.

By participating in Peace of Mind Assurance Program, you do not sell or transfer any portion of the property therefore there are no property tax reassessments.

Your property
stays yours

Zero Liability

Zero Liability

Living Equity takes on your liabilities, so you are not liable for how or how well your equity is generating a return.

Your Living Equity monthly payments and property equity are backed by cash reserves and/or insurance products that would cover any vacancies or loss, so even if an investment asset fails to generate sufficient income you keep receiving your monthly payments and your equity is returned to your property fully intact at the end of your terms.

Zero Responsibility

Living Equity takes care of everything that has to do with the investment assets, so you are not responsible in anyway.

Living Equity's responsibilities are including but not limited to rental property acquisition, property management, tenant screening, tenant contract handling, repairs, improvements, insurance disposition, and more.

Zero Liability

Live on
your terms

You can cancel your agreement at anytime with a 60 day notice or transfer it to another eligible property. When you cancel your agreement, your equity will be returned back to you just as it was before.

Early cancelation fees may apply to cover costs associated with reverting back the arrangement (calculated on a case by case basis).

Live on your terms

Every year
your property can earn up to


estimated property value

A loan that pays you
and never needs to be paid back

without Peace of Mind
HELOC/Refinance/Reverse Mortgage/Home Equity Loan

Get monthly/lump sum cash

Have to pay it back

Monthly payments.

Pay interest.

At the end you can lose part or all of your equity


Monthly Cash Income

Never pay it back.

No monthly payments.

Never pay interests.

At the end your equity returns to you intact

Full Comparison

Step 1

See if your home qualifies.


Step 2

Apply and submit required documents.


Step 3

Schedule appraisal of your property.


Step 4

Living Equity helps you get a loan.


Step 5

Loan the money to Living Equity.


Step 6

Get paid cash as soon as 60 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is this transaction?

Your equity is secured by a first TD on an income producing, free and clear property co-owned by you and the company.

In what states is Living Equity available?

Currently Living Equity is only available in California. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when it is available in your state.

How are my payments calculated?

The monthly payment is based on the value of the property, the market interest rate and the length of time of investment.
Use the living Equity Calculator to see an estimate of how much your property can make. How much can my property make?

What if I want to sell my property?

The company will unwind the transaction, paying off the mortgage on your home to restore your equity and ending the income payment stream.

What happens in the case of you defaulting?

There will be an insurance product on the mortgage that will continue making your payments.

Can I recieve a lump sum in addition to monthly payments?

A portion of the income stream can be received as a lump sum payment. Accordingly, the monthly payment will be reduced to cover the payment.

What are the tax implications of Living Equity income?

The dividends that the Living Equity member receive are fully taxable as dividend income, Consult your tax advisor regarding your particular situation. Living Equity makes all the mortgage payments for the joint mortgage with the Living Equity member, therefore all interest paid is not deductible for the member.

Start Earning with
Peace of Mind Assurance.

Free no obligation consultation from our specialists.
Get your first check as fast as 60 days after approval.

Do you own a Free and Clear Property?

Get Started

Questions? Our advisors are here to help!

Call 800 990-0892

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