The Better
and Smarter Way

  • Have to pay closing costs
  • Receive regular payments or lump sum
  • No monthly payments
  • Can apply at any age
  • No credit requirements
  • No income requirements
  • Primary residence, second home, or investment properties all can qualify
  • No interest
  • Equity stays intact
  • Don't need to pay back the money you received, and your equity is automatically returned to you at the end
Reverse Mortgage
  • Only age 62+ can apply
  • Must show creditworthiness
  • Only primary residence qualifies
  • Have to pay closing costs
  • Have to pay Interest (higher than traditional mortgage)
  • Consumes your equity in the property
  • Have to pay back the money received to regain equity
  • Receive income/Lump sum
  • No monthly payments
  • No income requirements
Home Equity Loan
  • Fixed Monthly Payments
  • Credit and income requirements
  • Have to pay high interest
  • Have to pay back the money you receive from the program
  • Have to pay closing costs
  • Only receive lump sum
  • Can apply at any age
  • Equity position will return back once all payments are made
  • Unpredictable monthly payments
  • Variable Interest Rate
  • Credit requirements
  • Income requirements
  • Fees and penalties (annual inactivity fee and etc.)
  • Lender may freeze or reduce your credit line
  • Have to pay back the money you receive from the program
  • Flexible in borrowed amount like a credit card
  • Draw money as you need it
  • No need to pay until you access the fund
  • Monthly payments
  • Fixed or Variable Interest Rate
  • Credit requirements
  • Income requirements
  • Closing cost and fees
  • Have to pay back the money
  • You may be able to lower the rate on your first mortgage
  • lump-sum payout
  • Have to pay closing costs
  • Receive regular payments or lump sum
  • No monthly payments
  • Can apply at any age
  • No credit requirements
  • No income requirements
  • Primary residence, second home, or investment properties all can qualify
  • No interest
  • Equity stays intact
  • Don't need to pay back the money you received, and your equity is automatically returned to you at the end
  • Have to pay closing costs
  • Receive regular payments or lump sum
  • No monthly payments
  • Can apply at any age
  • No credit requirements
  • No income requirements
  • Primary residence, second home, or investment properties all can qualify
  • No interest
  • Equity stays intact
  • Don't need to pay back the money you received, and your equity is automatically returned to you at the end

Better at a glance

Reverse Mortgage HELOC Home Equity Loan Refinance Living Equity
Equity remains intact done done
Title remains intact done done done
No monthly payments done done
No tax reassessment done done
Can rent/live at the property done done done
Receive monthly income done
>62 year olds can apply done done done done done
<62 year olds can apply done done done done
No credit/income check done
You can cancel anytime done

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