Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is this transaction?

Your equity is secured by a first TD on an income producing, free and clear property co-owned by you and the company.

In what states is Living Equity available?

Currently Living Equity is only available in California. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when it is available in your state.

How are my payments calculated?

The monthly payment is based on the value of the property, the market interest rate and the length of time of investment.

What if I want to sell my property?

The company will unwind the transaction, paying off the mortgage on your home to restore your equity and ending the income payment stream.

What if my spouse passes away?

You can either keep receiving the monthly income stream, or you can exit the program and have the mortgage paid off, restoring your equity.

What happens in the case of you defaulting?

There will be an insurance product on the mortgage that will continue making your payments.

How will Living Equity affect my credit?

You will have mortgage debt on your credit report. Regular payments could help improve a damaged credit profile, but the added debt could lower the homeowner's credit score.

Can I recieve a lump sum in addition to monthly payments?

A portion of the income stream can be received as a lump sum payment. Accordingly, the monthly payment will be reduced to cover the payment.

How do I qualify?

You do not have to qualify, your property does. It needs to be free and clear of any mortgage/loans. On a case by case basis, some active loans on a property may be permitted. Contact us to see if you qualify.

What are the tax implications of Living Equity income?

The dividends that the Living Equity member receive are fully taxable as dividend income, Consult your tax advisor regarding your particular situation. Living Equity makes all the mortgage payments for the joint mortgage with the Living Equity member, therefore all interest paid is not deductible for the member.

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